
Workshops and Classes

Voice and Presence

Autumn 2019

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Ten-Week professional development course based on the methodology of Patsy Rodenburg to empower the unique voice of the individual.

Business Presentation Workshop

Autumn 2019

Cambridge Massachusetts

Six-Week professional development course specifically created to refine and rehearse professional presentations through specificity and imagery.  

*Pre-Requisite: Voice and Presence

Business Presentation Workshop

Winter 2020

Cambridge Massachusetts

Six-Week professional development course specifically created to refine and rehearse professional presentations through specificity and imagery.

*Pre-Requisite: Voice and Presence

Voice and Presence

Spring 2020

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Ten-Week professional development course based on the methodology of Patsy Rodenburg to empower the unique voice of the individual.

Intermediate PowerSpeak™

Spring 2020

Beijing, China

One-Week Intensive personal and professional development opportunity offered in Bejing, China to graduate students of Peking University and government officials.

© Copyright Tootie Larios McCarthy
Website by Design Intervention Studio